Pollution (1)

19 of 2023 - Pollution Incident

watch_later 08/09/23

There is a confirmed oil pollution on the River Medway. The Environment Agency - Environment Management Site Controller is on site and has confirmed that the oil pollution is from Hampstead Lock (near Yalding) to Wateringbury.

The slick is approximately ½ a mile long, creating a thick a rainbow sheen on the river.

Because of the nature of the river, the open navigation, the volumes of oil involved (relatively low volume but spread over a fairly long distance because of current low flows), and the lack of safe and practicable access points downstream, we will not attempt containment with a boom, but will monitor and maintain a watching brief as the oil moves downstream.

Flows on the river are relatively low, so the oil slick is moving quite slowly downstream. We anticipate it will reach Allington Lock over the weekend. We have notified the water company and other abstractors of the pollution.

Our Navigation team are aware of the issue and are managing multiple queries from river users and the general public.

The source of the pollution has not been identified.


River Status


All vessels using these waterways must be registered with the Environment Agency.

For further information call: 03708 506 506


Last updated: 09 Sep, 23:27 PM