Next Allington Lock Tide: 4:45PM

Current Stream Status: Caution

IMG 20180504 152404

4 of 2021 - Reopening Of Allington Lock

watch_later 01/06/21

Notice to Mariners 4 of 2021

The Environment Agency is pleased to confirm that Allington Lock will reopen for assisted passage from Thursday 3rd June.

The lock will be available for two hours before high water, and two hours after, where those hours fall between 7am and sunset.

This is an early stage commission, meaning that our contractors will continue to be present and will operate the lock gates on behalf of the Environment Agency until additional elements of the project are complete. Therefore no passage outside of these times can be arranged through our duty lock keepers.

We expect that Environment Agency staff will be able to take full control of the lock the week commencing the 7th June.

Please be assured that our regular, dedicated team will continue to be present on site to assist river users with their passage through the lock and answer any questions that they may have in the meantime.

We look forward to welcoming visiting vessels back to our gateway lock, and thank you for your patience while these essential maintenance works have been taking place.

The Upper Medway navigation is now fully operational for its entire length.

If you have any queries do not hesitate to contact us on 01622 752864 or by emailing [email protected]

Yours Sincerely,

Jason Adams
Waterways Operations Manager, Upper Medway Navigation


River Status


River levels and flows above normal

Environment agency: 03708 506 506

Last updated: 18 Feb, 05:50 AM