Medway Canoe Trail

Take a trip along 29km of beautiful meandering waterway from the heart of historic Tonbridge, through the Kentish countryside to the county town of Maidstone and finish your journey at Allington.

Rising in the Ashdown Forest, the River Medway flows through West and East Sussex and into Kent before reaching the Thames Estuary some 120 kilometres downstream. Many tributaries flow into the Medway as it passes through the High Weald and Vale of Kent with its characteristic orchards and meadows.

You can enjoy 29 kilometres of this majestic river starting from Tonbridge and finishing at Allington Lock, its tidal point just north of Maidstone. Graded easy, it can be canoed in a couple of days, or longer for a more relaxed trip. There are a number of campsites and launch points along the route.

Paddling along the river you will see a wide variety of riverside plants, from the colourful purple loosetrife to the blue of the water forget-me-not. The orange and blue flash of the kingfisher and - if you are very lucky - a glimpse of an otter are just some of the wonders awaiting you along the River Medway. The trail meanders past woods, meadows, villages and towns with a wealth of interest.

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Coaching The Mind

New to paddling? Check out the new Paddlers Code written by British Canoeing 

The Paddlers Code

River Status


River levels and flows above normal

Environment agency: 03708 506 506

Last updated: 22 Oct, 13:06 PM