
Staff Litter Pick 2024

watch_later 18/06/24

The annual Medway Navigation staff litter-pick saw 120 staff from 25 different teams come together to do their bit to help keep the River Medway litter-free. Over 5 days in June by boat, canoe and on foot, staff traversed the beautiful Medway navigation from Tonbridge Lock to Allington Lock, clearing litter as they went. The annual event was managed and supported excellently by the Medway Navigation Team, ensuring the event was fun but safe.

Staff collected over 20 bags of rubbish from the river and towpath, including bikes, shoes, a suitcase and traffic cones!

It is a great event to allow staff to have a break from their computers and get out on the river, as well as networking, but also having a very clear and beneficial outcome of clearing the river.



River Status


Do not attempt to navigate difficult and dangerous flows.

For further information call: 03708 506 506

Last updated: 17 Oct, 17:06 PM