
8 of 2023 - River Updates

watch_later 02/05/23

1. Maidstone Canoe Club Hasler Race

Maidstone Canoe Club will be holding the Hasler South East series race on Sunday 14th May 2023.

Canoes & Kayaks will be launching from the Maidstone Canoe Club landing stage (just downstream of Maidstone High Level Bridge) for a start time of 12:00 noon, with launching taking place until around 12:45.

The races will be run on a timed basis over 4 courses with turning points at Tovil, East Farleigh Lock, Teston Bridge and Wateringbury Bridge. The anticipated finish time of the event is around 14:30

Turning buoys will be placed in the river at Tovil and East Farleigh on the morning of the race.

Would all other river users please give the race unhindered passage during race times.

2. Allington Lock Works Update

Allington Lock will remain closed to lock passage on weekdays until the end of May due to unexpected delays to the improvement works. The lock will be in operation on weekends and bank holidays.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your patience whilst we work to improve the site.


River Status


River levels and flows above normal

Environment agency: 03708 506 506

Last updated: 22 Oct, 13:06 PM