5 of 2025 – Maidstone Invicta Rowing Club Spring Small Boats Head
Maidstone Invicta Rowing Club will be holding the Maidstone Spring Head Race on Sunday 2nd March 2025.
Boats will be launching from the Maidstone Invicta Rowing Club steps and King’s School Boathouse from 08:00 hours and should be clear of the water by 16:00 hours.
The races will be run on a timed basis over a course from Allington Marina bend to Town Bridge, Maidstone. There will be four divisions starting at 09:00, 10:45, 12:30 and 14:15 hours. Each race should last between 45 and 60 minutes.
Would all other river users please give the rowers unhindered passage during race times. Vessels travelling upstream from Allington Lock may be asked to wait until a race has been completed.
For further information please contact Allington Lock on 01622 752864.