
11 of 2024 - Planned power cut at Yalding Lifting Bridge & Boaters Facilities

watch_later 11/07/24

UK Power Networks have Notified the Environment Agency of a planned power cut on 24th July 2024. Power is expected to be shut down between 9am and 3pm. The power cut will disable power to the Yalding Lifting Bridge and Yalding Boaters Facilities. Please consider this disruption when making plans to navigate.

The power cut is to enable regular inspections of trees near overhead cables on Hampstead Lane, Yalding. UK Power Networks have identified trees that have grown close, which could damage the cables and affect the electricity supply. UK Power Networks contractors need to temporarily switch off their power so they can safely cut the trees away from the cables. Doing this will reduce the risk of having an unplanned power cut in the future.


River Status


All vessels using these waterways must be registered with the Environment Agency.

For further information call: 03708 506 506


Last updated: 07 Sep, 13:27 PM